Vocalist, Rhythm Keyboards, Drums, Backgrounds,
Studio Work, MC, performances, concerts, touring,
and all International road dates.
Annie Bertucci

Anne Bertucci was born and raised in Northern California and was already singing in Honor Choirs by the age of 12 years old, and with her brother Anthony on electric Guitar, performed through her High School years doing talent shows, weddings, Pep Rallies and casuals. After performing in numerous rock & roll bands throughout the Pacific Northwest in the early 70s, Anne decided it was time to move to Los Angeles for a chance at a recording deal.
After auditioning for a band named "The Babys", Anne was chosen from over 100 applicants to join the band as a featured vocalist for the entire 1979-80 tours. "The Babys" with Anne toured nationwide as an opening act for Alice Cooper, Cheap Trick, Eddy Money, Ted Nugent, Journey, Styx and other major acts, playing the largest concert arenas in the USA and Canada, including Cobo Hall, Los Angeles Forum, Toronto Speedway, and also performed live, and live-to-tape on all major television music shows. including, "Midnight Special "ABC TV, and "Don Kirshner's Rock Concert" CBS New York.In 1980. Anne made her first 24-track master solo recording featuring 4 songs and began to shop a deal in Los Angeles. Bobby Hart (Of Boyce & Hart acclaim) initiated the negotiations with Zebra Discourde, and got her a deal with Marbal Productions. This began Annes career with her first vinyl debut.
Since then, Anne has released 3 solo albums worldwide, toured, and promoted these albums for Domestic Labels throughout Europe, Japan, Australia, etc... Anne is always found singing backgrounds for many assorted artists, studio recording, movie soundtracks, radio commercials, graphics/computer editing/animation AVID/ music programming/ television commercial endorsements/ and also writes, composes and plays her own original material. and has been touring the world for MWR and USO Tours, with WOMEN IN ROCK" (Tribute Show) , "The California Girls" (Surf Music) , playing to Military audiences in Europe, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serajevo, Hungary, Iceland, Singapore, Diego Garcia (In the Indian Ocean), Japan, Korea, China, Afganistan, Iraq, and other numerous locations where her talents as singer/rhythm keyboardist were contracted.
Annie has written, produced, engineered, and performed full Soundtracks, and sound effects for USC Film School Shorts, and currently being utilized as a Visual Consultant for Production on Rick Parrott USC Film Projects, including Foley and soundtrack work on Tyler Jones Productions.
1980-81 ANNE BERTUCCI I (Solo Album) "IM NUMBER ONE" 12 songs, produced by Eric Bulling, Arranged by David Foster/Eric Bulling, Engineered by Umberto Gatika. Published and Released throughout Europe through TELDEC International (Germany); DISCOS COLUMBIA (Spain); STIFF (Belgium); MAGNET (England); RCA-LTD (Australia/New Zealand); PONY CANYON LTD (Japan), HORN (Jimmy Haskell-USA), and other assorted labels. SINGLE: "Im Number One" used on MAXELL endorsement television commercial used in Japan. ALSO MADE BILLBOARD Magazine Top Singles Picks, and RECORD WORLD "Recommended Listening". Fearures: Steve Lukather on all Lead Guitars, Jeff Porcaro, Greg Matheison Keyboards, "The Pages" Richard Page, Tom Kelly, Steven George on backgrounds, Leland Sklar on Bass, Michael Baird & Rick Shlosser on Drums, with MANY more surprise artists.
1981-82 ANNE BERTUCCI II (Solo Album) "I NEED YOU" 9 songs, Produced by Anne Bertucci for MARBAL Productions. Published and Released in same market as Album 1. This album contains the Grand Prize winning song of the 1982 YAMAHA WORLD POPULAR SONG FESTIVAL performed by Anne Bertucci at the Budokahn in Tokyo, "Where Did We Go Wrong". The title track, "I Need You" used on another television endorsement commercial by MAXELL "I Need You" Features Max Gronenthal & Jack Mack & The Heart Attack, and Rosemary Butler singing backgrounds with Annie, Billy Paine on keyboards, Bob Galub on Bass Rick Shlosser Drums, Michael Landau & Danny Dugmore doing Guitars, and many surprise artists.
1982-83 ANNE BERTUCCI III (Solo Album) 9 Songs, Produced By Bob Esty/Anne Bertucci for MARBAL Productions. Published and Released in the same market. Single: "The Letter" (Boxtops cover) chosen for the album "Dancable Hits" in Europe and Japan, and released in the same market. As the 1st series. Features Carlos Vega doing all percussion overdubs, and dance effects. Brian Ray, Mike Landau-Hot guitars, Greg Mathieson on keyboards, and more surprise guests.
1984 Soundtrack from "THE MIRACLE OF JOE PATREL" Paramount Pictures, single, 2 songs "Do You Know" and "To Love" released in Japan. Major Promotional Touring and release of Soundtrack throughout Asian Markets. Movie was an ACTION/DRAMA and a younger cast made it very viewable by the younger movie crowds. Sponsored throughout the tour by Playboy International for the Paramount release.
1979-80 Riches & Rubenstein Production of "The Baby's" "Every time I Think Of You", re-mix live vocals-to-tape music video, released worldwide. Television performances including Don Kirshners Rock Concert, Midnight Special, and Major Canadian Television.
1980-81 Video debut for Album I, Bobby Hart Productions Music Video for European and Japanese television "Im Number One" and "Its A Crazy Life"
1982 Live television, and live-to-tape shows with touring band in Japan, all major music television shows including Apple City 500, Funky Tomato, All Night Fuji, OBC Tonight, (Japan); MUSIKLADEN, Dreisheiber WWF Club, (Germany) Applauso (Spain), (United Kingdom) - Old Grey Whistle Test, etc. promoting solo Albums. All major television networks, press, magazines, and newspapers. Live performance in YAMAHA WORLD POPULAR SONG FESTIVAL at the Budokahn, Tokyo broadcast live to over 9 million viewers in Japan, and an additional 28 million in Europe, singing the Grand Prize song, "Where Did We Go Wrong" PUBLISHED IN BILLBOARD Magazine- FULL PAGE on -Yamaha Foundation-
1982-83 Television commercials endorsing MAXELL Tapes, performing singles "Im Number One" and "I Need You" All Press releases, billboards, newspapers and magazines throughout Japan, with public appearances.
1983 INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL, Tenerife Canary Islands -(African Coast) performing live material from Album 3, with the Spanish Rock Band, "Barabas" as backing band.
1983-84 Performances in Japan for movie promotional tour, "Miracle of Joe Patrel" live-to-tape opening premieres sponsored by Playboy International, performances throughout Japan singing Soundtracks "To Love" and "Do You Know".
1984-85 March of Dimes Telethon (National Syndication) with the JEFF BAXTER BAND, directing and singing in the background quartet backing artists George Duke, Brenda Russell, Spencer Davis, Sam Moore, Bob Welch, Al Kooper, hosted by Flo & Eddie.
1986-89 Live performances on video/ Dada, Top 40 Bands/ Agency Demo Videos
1990-94 Live performances backgrounds/percussion for bands in Los Angeles including: Jimmy Z, Blu Caller, Michael Cramer, Jack Mack, 86-92 West Coast JAMM/ SNAFU and recording background music for video productions.
1995- Television Commercial "Michaels Supper Club"Nightclub Band'-Southern California release-Recording Publishing Demos-Radio Spots/Background Radio segments local Orange County Radio Broadcasts
1996-99 KRCR Channel 7 Redding Commercial Performances/Commercial Music/Video Segments/Interviews/Voice Overs/Commercial Production Releases- Music & Vocal Commercials: Anderson's Walk-In Clinic/ KRCR News beds/Promotional Music / Accuccare Chiropractic/ ABC TV Line-ups- :30 second music beds- Background Music- Performed and Produced.
1999-2000 Tribute Band Shows/Large Venues/Casinos- Performing with "Slowhand & Friends" featured vocalist, backgrounds/rhythm keyboards. Performing a "Tribute to" as: JANIS JOPLIN and STEVIE NICKS at Cal Expo 1999- WaterWorld Sacramento- Placentia Fairgrounds- San Jose Fairgrounds- Disneyland Hotel Grand Ballroom, Rocky Mountain Fair Aassociation North Dakota, Reno Silver Legacy, Mammoth Lakes Sports Niteclub, Reno Brew Brothers , Wendover,Nevada Pepppertree Casio- Heavy Costume Changes/Cover Songs-Show work.
2001-Audio Contracts of Original Soundtrack Recordings for USC Film School Film Productions- Rick Parrott (Director) ,Visual Consulting, Foley Work, and Performances Musical/vocals.
2001- WOMEN IN ROCK - Eastern European Military Tour- "Tribute Show" My Character- Stevie Nicks- 1/2 hour show-Full costume changes-AKA PRODUCTIONS
2001-2002- Keyboards/Lead & Backing Vocals "The California Girls" Domestic National Tours/ Beach Boys Warm ups- Singapore, Diego Garcia, Malaysia, China, Korea.
2001-2004- "4 Stories" (Top 40/Covers) International Military DOD work/MWR Entertaining in Japan, MWR BALKANS TOUR in Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany, Hungary, and Austria.
2004-05- PASADENA DO-DAH PARADE- 4 STORIES FLOAT -"WELCOME HOME 4 STORIES FROM BOSNIA/KOSOVO" performing LIVE for the entire Colorado Blvd. parade route. All LOCAL TELEVISION and MEDIA broadcasts in the Los Angeles/ Pasadena Areas.
2005- MAR-APR (As Keyboardist/Vocalist) California Girls AFGHANISTAN TOUR- Including Bosnia- Military MWR playing in FORWARD OPERATIONAL BASES downrange Afghanistan.
2005-SUMMER-WINTER- 4 STORIES (Keyboardist/Vocalist) Playing COMMERCE CASINO in Los Angeles doing ROCK Show ,TOP 40 DANCE, and percussion work.
2006-2007 The California Girls- Events and Fair Associations-Barona Casino (San Diego) Hiatt Regency Grand Ballroom (Phoenix, AZ), No Ho City Fair, BB Kings (Universal Walk), and many other events!
2005-2011 RAY & THE CORSAIRS - 50's Show performing for Large Events, Festivals, Car Shows, Conventions, Las Vegas Casinos, and Opening for 50's Artists- Bobbie Vee Las Vegas Experience. Concert In The Park Series- Thousand Oaks, Westminster, and Culver City Summer 2005- 4th of July 2006 City of Westminster, 2007 Concert In The Park Series
2007-2013 California Girls LEGENDARY LADIES OF ROCK - Show. California GIrls Surf Shows, Country Band performances including "The Saddlebags", as well as many Casinos, Nightclubs, and Festival Shows. EARTH DAY Los Angeles concert on the City Hall Steps- April 2011, Lilac Festival in Pine Mountain Concert, Currently touring and performing with the California Girls.
2005 - 2013 JOHNNY JORDAN BAND - Middle-Eastern and Euro-disco/rock, Standards, R&B, and Latin music. Lead and background vocalist performing throughout Southern California, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and San Diego.
2008-2013 Drummer/Singer for CHUBBY STARZ- Redding, CA performing live events, concerts with original music.
2013-2015 Lead Singer/Keyboardist "OTP" (Our True Passion) Tucson, AZ- Concerts/events/ nightclubs Phoenix and Tucson
2015-2017- Keyboardist/Singer - "Rhythm Method Planned Partyhood" Dance band. Orange County events, special appearances, Nightclubs, and parties.
2017- MIDNIGHT BLUES BAND Keyboardist/Backgrounds- Special Events- Concerts.
Lead- Hopi Relocation Theme "Genocide 1985"
Backgrounds- John Scott Clough "Danger Zone" Produced By Russ Freeman. 1986
Backgrounds- Russ Freeman "Elevator Music" 1987
ALBUMS and recorded Shows: (Published & Released)
The Baby's Re-release King Bisquit Flower Hour-Live in Cleveland at The Augora Ballroom- 2006 -Baby's Archives
Backgrounds- MICHAEL DOWNEY-2006- Award-winning producer, David Longoria, (U2,Sting,Train,etc.) Del Oro Studios, Studio City, CA "Bridge of No Return" -3 cuts
Backgrounds - TINA HALL- Christmas Release- 2005
Backgrounds/Reference Lead- "Becca" Rebcca Bramlett Dada Productions 1989
Lead/Backgrounds: Burke Ewing/Warner Bros. "Children of the Night" Video Documentary 1990
"3 FOR THE ROAD" Charlie Sheen "Ive Been Saved" Duo with Mary Clayton
"GREAT BALLS OF FIRE"Dennis Quaid - Overdub "screams"/Singing Studio Scenes- Musical vocals
"The Nowhere Man" Lead-"Deep In The Arms Of A Stranger" Triton Entertainment- 1995
"Video House"/Penthouse releases 1995-Background Music/A. Bertucci Co.
Lead & Backgrounds-A & M Records For Almo Irving Publishing/Speck/Rubin 89-91 (Numerous)
Lead & Backgrounds- Mike Wagner Productions Amigo Studios 89-90 Asst.
Lead & Backgrounds- Gene Black "The Taste Of Love"
MUSIC BEDS, Jingles, Voice Overs (112 Market) KRCR TV- ABC Affiliation...TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST... for 3/4 TV resume tape, e-mail Annie at A1vocal@gmail.com to request your TV Package.
"The Competition" Clothing Stores Theme song-all L.A. Stations /KROQ 86-87/
Cambria Theatre/Morrow Bay Local radio spots/ Lion Heart Pacific shows 87-88/
Spots for local Southern Ca. Accounts. Voice Overs/Santa Barbara Inn/Renaissance Pleasure Faire 89/Country Dance House
Japanese Rock & Roll Theatre/ "Bamboo Princess" All Night Fuji Radio 84/"Osaka Broadcasting" OBC-Radio Spots for singles "I Need You", "I'm Number One" 1982
BBC KOLN/Radio Spots for Annes single "The Letter" 1982
Background Musical segments Radio Spots/ 10-15-20 Sec. Asst. 94-95 Orange County
96-2001 Northern California Market- Voice Overs/Jingles/Singing and Programming 30 second-60 second spots. Radio ID's, and Promotional Commercials-Broadcasting Voice work- Animations.
Public Access
2006- Anne Bertucci "You'll Believe Anything" on Venus Christma's, "INSIGHT IN ACTION". Segment included performance and interview. Broadcast on Channel 58 Southern California Time-Warner. Aug 2006
2nd Broadcast- Dec 2006- (For 2007 season)With Lisa Haze and Max Miller singing Anne's Christmas song, "Jesus Was Born On This Day" Entire show dedicated to the girls.